6 ways to spring clean your beauty routine
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6 ways to spring clean your beauty routine

If you’re anything like us here at Tululla, the arrival of Spring always brings about the need to spring clean and start afresh, along with the new season.

There’s no doubt that spring cleaning and decluttering are good for the mind and body. In fact, according to Utah State University, reorganising your space and decluttering has plenty of mental health benefits including:

  • Boosting your mood
  • Sharpening your focus
  • Energising you into productivity mode
  • Relieving anxiety

Multiple studies have also shown that too much mess brings about stress because clutter can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of hopelessness and lack of control.

So, you’ve decided to start some spring cleaning which may include some filing in the study, and cleaning out the kitchen drawers, but what about your beauty shelf and/or makeup bags? It’s important to clean out expired beauty products and makeup tools like sponges regularly as researchers have found that certain tools like sponges and eyebrow curlers can harbour potentially harmful bacteria.

Easy ways to spring clean your beauty space

The following tips will help you to get your beauty cupboards and makeup bags organised, clear away the clutter – and give you that extra spring in your step!

1 Review and declutter your products

Start by going through your beauty products including your skin care, body creams and lotions, plus your makeup and discard any that are expired, damaged, or no longer suit your needs. Decluttering will not only create more space, but also ensure you're using safe and effective products.

2 Reassess what your skin needs 

Check the efficacy of your skincare products. For example, if you have a richer night cream that worked well during the colder months but may be too heavy for spring and summer, consider putting them away until next season.

Instead, opt for lighter, oil-free, or gel-based formulations that may be better suited to using in warmer weather.

Here’s what could happen to your skin if you use heavier skincare products in summer:

  • Clogged pores: Heavier creams may not absorb well into the skin during hot and humid weather. This can lead to clogged pores and acne breakouts.
  • Excess oiliness: Heavy products can create a barrier on the skin's surface, trapping sweat and sebum underneath.
  • Acne breakouts: When sweat mixes with heavy skincare products, it can create an environment where bacteria thrive, leading to an increased risk of acne breakouts.
  • Skin irritation: In hot weather, the skin is more sensitive, and heavy products may cause irritation, redness, and/or itching.

3 Focus on sun protection

As the sun becomes stronger, make sure you have adequate sun protection in your beauty routine. Check the expiration dates of your sunscreen and ensure it offers broad-spectrum protection with an SPF of at least 30. Additionally, consider incorporating a lightweight SPF-infused moisturiser for daily wear.

4 Refresh your makeup collection

Review your makeup collection and discard items that are old or no longer used. Spring is an excellent time to update your makeup and incorporate brighter, fresher colours too!

But no need to overhaul everything at once. Start small and replace what you need, bit by bit. Swap out heavy foundations for tinted moisturizers or BB creams for a more natural look.

5 Clean makeup brushes and tools

Make-up brushes

As we mentioned, studies have found that your favourite makeup sponge can be harbouring more bacteria than you realise.

So, it’s important to regularly clean your makeup brushes and tools to prevent the build-up of bacteria and ensure optimal application. Wash them with a gentle cleanser or baby shampoo, rinse thoroughly, and let them air dry completely.

6 Go the natural route  

As you throw things out and look to replace your products, consider opting for more natural and sustainable beauty products that are kinder to both your skin and the environment.

The same goes for your supplement regime. It’s important to read labels and choose supplements that are free from fillers, synthetic ingredients or potentially harmful additives. It’s also wise to go plastic-free and choose eco-conscious brands that are as kind to your skin and body as they are to the planet.

Your supplements matter too!

Tululla products

It’s a fact that what you put into your body shows on the outside, which is why – here at Tululla, we’re obsessed with formulating only the cleanest nutraceuticals, with science-backed ingredients you can trust and rely on to do their job!

If you’re looking to take your beauty regime one step further and nourish your skin from the inside, help your hair to stay thicker, stronger and healthier as you age, or nourish your body with the best hydrolysed collagen on the market, then Tululla has you covered! Find out more about each product in our range here.

Of course, it also makes sense to simplify your beauty wellness regime, so rather than taking multiple supplements from different brands, why not save space and your pocket – by investing in just one or two products that contain the right ingredients in the right quantities, that work together to give you the maximum benefit!